• F-1/5, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase - 1, New Delhi
  • +91 11 47730000 - 99
  • ieodelhi@inclentrust.org



  • INCLEN is running the LAMP course, since 2012, with an overarching objective to build new generation of health research leaders. The LAMP course intends to lay down the foundation for building national health research capacities and study it’s impact on the volume of health research.
  • This 15 days residential program primarily focuses on imparting skills through fact, act and reflect approach. The “Fact” aspect updates the participants on the latest concept of and theories in leadership and strategic management. The “Reflect” component helps participants through recourse assignments, exercises during the two weeks residential “face to face” course. The “Act” component helps them to develop personal leadership development plan based on reflection.
  • A unique feature of the course is “meet the leader” session where the participants meet 6-8 renowned leaders from India and abroad. As a package, the course includes pre course assignments, 14 modules on leadership and strategic management and one module on research methodology.


INCLEN Leadership and Management Program (LAMP) ANNOUNCEMENT (WORKSHOP DATE: 12th -22nd DECEMBER 2023)

LAMP Announcement 2023

Application Form LAMP 2023

Apply here

LAMP Videos

  • Recent Modules
  • Old Modules
S.No. Modules
1 Preface
2 Introduction
3 Leadership Concepts and Theories
4 Preparing Self for Leadership (1)
5 Preparing Self for Leadership (2)
6 Managing Teams
7 Organization Culture and Change Management
8 Strategic Management
9 Proposal Writing
10 Project Management
11 Financial Management
12 Systematic Review
13 Evidence to Policy Advocacy
14 Health Technology
15 Health Entrepreneurship
 Oraganizational Strategic planning 
 Oraganizational Teambuilding 
 Time Management 
 Locating, Appraising and Referencing Research on the Web 
 Efficient Email 
 Budgeting and Accounting Manual 
 Financial Management Resource Guide 
 Project Management Resource Guide 
List of Participants of the Previous Batches :-
  • 2015 Batch
  • 2014 Batch
  • 2013 Batch
Strategic Management and Leadership in Health Research with Focus on Child Health November 16th – 27th, 2015
S.No. Name Address Email


Dr. Nandini Malshe Dept. of Neonatology, Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Medical College, Pune. malshenandini@gmail.com
2 Dr. Tarundeep Singh Department of Community Medicine, School of Public Health, PGIMER, Chandigarh tarundeep.singh@gmail.com
3 Dr. Abhishek V Raut  Department of Community Medicine, MGIMS, Sewagram, Wardha-442102 abhishekraut@mgims.ac.in
4 Dr. Samarendra Mahapatra Hi-Tech Medical College, Bhubaneswar, Orissa samarendramahapatro@yahoo.com
5 Dr. Jayaprakash. R SAT Hospital, Govt. Medical College Trivandrum, Kerala. jayaprakashdr@yahoo.com
6 Dr. Binita Verdia Deepak Foundation, Public Health training Institute, Nijan and Ashram Premises, Adjoining  L & T Knowledge City, Vadodara binita.verdia@deepakfoundation.org
7 Dr. Tejopratap Oleti Neonatologist Division of Neonatology, Fernandez Hospital Hyderabad. tejopratap@gmail.com
8 Dr. K Sasidaran Dr Mehta’s Children’s Hospital, Chennai sasidarpgi@gmail.com
9 Dr. Jayashree S. Gothankar Department of Community Medicine, BVDU Medical College, Pune jayashreesg@rediffmail.com
10 Dr. Bhavna Dhingra Bhan AIIMS, Bhopal bhavna.pediatrics@aiimsbhopal.edu.in
11 Dr. Kana Ram Jat AIIMS, New Delhi  drkanaram@gmail.com
12 Dr. Sudipto Roy K.E.M. Hospital Research Centre  drroysudipto@gmail.com
13 Dr. Anant Bhan Global Health and Bio ethics, Pune anantbhan@gmail.com
14 Rakesh Pillai INCLEN Trust, New Delhi rakesh.Pillai@inclentrust.org
15 Manoj Singh NHSRC manojkumar.nhsrc@gmail.com
Strategic Management and Leadership in Health Research with Focus on Child Health 20 March – 02 April 2014
S.No. Name Address E-mail Address
1 Dr. Subhash B Thakre Dept. of Community Medicine Government Medical College, Nagpur, Maharastra drsubhasht@rediffmail.com
2 Dr. Narayanan P Dept. of Pediatrics, JIPMER, Pondicherry narayanan.p@jipmer.edu.in
3 Dr. Adhisivam B Dept. of Pediatrics, JIPMER, Pondicherry adhisivam1975@yahoo.co.uk
4 Dr. Goru Krishna Babu Dept. of Community Medicine Rangaraya medical college, Kakinada, Andhra Pradesh krishnababu59@yahoo.co.in
5 Dr. Muralidhar Tambe Dept. of Community Medicine, SBH Govt. Medical College, Dhule, Maharastra muralidhartambe@rediffmail.com
6 Dr. Rahul Sharma Dept. of Community Medicine University College of Medical Sciences, New Delhi studycorner@gmail.com
7 Dr. Mubashir Angolkar K L E University, Belgaum, Karnataka drmubi@gmail.com
8 Dr. Meenakshi Bakshi Mehan Dept. of Foods & Nutrition, MS University, Varodara, Gujarat mmehan@rediffmail.com
9 Dr. Gargi Goel Dept. of Primary Health Care AMRIT Clinics, Aajeevika Bureau, Rajasthan gargi.doctor@gmail.com
10 Dr. Tanushree Mondal Medical Education, Kolkata, West Bengal drtanushree@gmail.com
11 Dr. Viveka P Jyotsna Dept. of Endocrinology and Metabolism, AIIMS, New Delhi vivekapjyotsna@gmail.com
12 Dr. M.R. Savitha Dept. of Pediatrics. Mysore Medical College & Research Institute Mysore, Karnataka drsavithamr@yahoo.com
13 Dr. Arti Maria Dept. of Pediatrics, RML Hospital, New Delhi artimaria@gmail.com
14 Dr. Seema Patrikar Armed Forces Medical College, Pune, Maharastra seemapatrikar@yahoo.com
15 Dr. Shikha Dixit INCLEN Executive Office, New Delhi shikha.dixit@inclentrust.org
Strategic Management and Leadership in Health Research with Focus on Child Health 29 July-10 Aug 2013 batch
S.No. Name Address E-mail ID
1 Dr. S. Vivek Adhish NIHFW, New Delhi vivekadhish@gmail.com
2 Dr. Tapas Som IPGMER, Kolkata tapassom@yahoo.com
3 Dr. Amir Maroof Khan Community Medicine, Univ. Coll. of Medical Sciences, New Delhi khanamirmaroof@yahoo.com
4 Brogen Singh Akoijam Community Medicine, Regional Inst. of Med. Sciences, Manipur brogen@rediffmail.com
5 Dr. Narendra Behera M.K.C.G. Medical College, Odisha naribehera@yahoo.co.in
6 Dr. Somashekhar Nimbalkar Central Research Services, Pramukhswami Medical College Karamsad, Gujarat somu_somu@yahoo.com
7 Dr. Nita Radhakrishnan Center for Child Health, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, Delhi nitaradhakrishnan@yahoo.com
8 Ms. Vaishali Deshmukh  The INCLEN Trust International, New Delhi vaishali@inclentrust.org

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