With a view of making INCLEN a dynamic institute contributing to global health issues through the conduct of collaborative research studies INCLEN thematic groups were constituted. Members of each themes will develop locally relevant research and capacity building proposals to seek funds for implementing inter-CLEN projects. In February 2015, the members of thematic groups met in Johannesburg to discuss pre-proposals and identified research questions that shall lead to the development of collaborative and multisite Inter-CLEN proposals. These were grouped under 5 themes:
For each group, one group coordinator was appointed to pursue and coordinate with the members and Executive Office. A web-based environmental scan system was made functional at IEO and all potential funding opportunities are uploaded in INCLEN website, at regular intervals. |
Group I : Mental Health
1. Xia Hong | Hongxia@pumch.cn |
2. Mohammad Hossein Rabhar | mohammad.h.rahbar@uth.tmc.edu |
3. Fernando Suarez | fernando.suarezobando@gmail.com |
4. Carlos Gomez Restrepo (Group Coordinator) | cgomez_restrepo@yahoo.com |
5. Shuba Kumar | shubakumar@samarthngo.org |
6. Yusuf Moosa | yusuf.moosa@wits.ac.za |
Proposal to be pursued
Use of Mobile Apps for Screening and Management of Depression, Anxiety and Alcohol abuse, at the Primary Care and General Hospital Level: INCLEN e-Mental Health Initiative
Lead – LatinCLEN
Participating CLENs/ countries: LatinCLEN, IndiaCLEN, ChinaCLEN and INCLEN Africa
Group II: Injuries and Violence
1. Cunxian Jia | jiacunxian@sdu.edu.cn |
2. Shumei Wang | wshm@sdu.edu.cn |
3. Shrikant Bangdiwala | kant@unc.edu |
4. Amr Moghazy | moghazy@yahoo.com |
5. Vincent Muoki Mutisco | mutisovm@yahoo.com |
6. Maria Nelcy Rodriguez | nrodrigu@javeriana.edu.co |
7. K R John (Group Coordinator) | krjohn.john@gmail.com |
8. M. N Mutshekwane | mutshekwane@gmail.com |
Proposal to be pursued
Injuries in children
Lead Dr K R John (IndiaCLEN)
Participating CLENs/countries: IndiaCLEN, ChinaCLEN, CanUSACLEN, EuroMedCLEN, LatinCLEN and INCLEN Africa
Group III: Maternal and Reproductive Health
1. Liangzhi Xu | liangzxu@126.com |
2. Evelina Chapman | evelinachap@gmail.com |
3. Hernando Gaitan | hggaitand@unal.edu.co |
4. Jayne Byakika Tusiime | tusjayne@hotmail.com |
5. B. S. Garg | gargbs@gmail.com |
6. Sharon Fonn | sharon.fonn@wits.ac.za |
7. Mmmipe Modise | m-saasa@hotmail.com |
8. Jayati Kusari (Group Coordinator) | jayati.kusari@gmail.com |
9. Pinkie Moshadi | Pinkie.Mosadi@gauteng.gov.za |
10. Nomvula Maseko | njmaseko@gmail.com |
Proposal to be pursued
Maternal health without borders
Lead Dr BS Garg (IndiaCLEN) and E. Chapman (LatinCLEN)
Participating CLENs/countries: IndiaCLEN, LatinCLEN and ChinaCLEN and others to be invited
Group IV: Child Health
1. Yi Wang | yiwang@shmu.edu.cn |
2. Hesham El Syed (Group Coordinator) | heshamfatheyelsayed@gmail.com |
3. Badr Mesbha | badrmesbah@hotmail.com |
4. Antonio L. Alves Da Cuhna | acunha@hucff.ufrj.br |
5. Manoj Das | manoj@inclentrust.org |
6. Haroon Saloojee | haroon.saloojee@wits.ac.za |
7. Himani Pandya | himani.pandya@wits.ac.za |
Proposals to be pursued
1. The epidemiological study of autism spectrum disorders (ASD) in preterm infants
Lead- Mail Yi Wang and Mohd Rahbar to support
Participating CLENs/countries: ChinaCLEN, IndiaCLEN, INCLEN Africa, LatinCLEN and CanUSACLEN
It was also agreed that as the China team is already working on this study, they must move ahead. The other CLENs/teams to initiate the preparatory activities in own country/region. Mohammad Rahbar shall assist the teams in exploring the environmental risk factors. China team will help other interested teams to prepare their field to start the study.
2. Burden, risk factors and outcome of low birth weight among infants in developing countries Lead- Hesham El-Sayed
Participating CLENs/countries: INCLEN Africa, IndiaCLEN, and ChinaCLEN
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