Sr. No | Thesis Title | Author | Submitted to | Year |
1 | ‘Whole of Society (WOS)’ framework to monitor cardio-metabolic risk among children (6 to 18 years) | Dr. Rakesh N Pillai, Guided by Prof. Narendra K Arora & Prof. Cristiano Chiamulera | Graduate School of Translational Bio-Medical Sciences, University of Verona, Italy | 2018 |
2 | Association of environmental exposures, lifestyle behavior and BMI among 6-12 year old children in three rural clusters of Haryana | Neha Gupta Guided by Dr. Seema Puri Dr. Nikhil Tandon Advisor: Prof. Narendra K Arora | Institute of Home Economics Department of Home Science University of Delhi | 2016 |
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