• F-1/5, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase - 1, New Delhi
  • +91 11 47730000 - 99
  • ieodelhi@inclentrust.org

About Us

Who We Are

    • The INCLEN Trust International is a ‘not for profit’ research organization conducting collaborative, multi-disciplinary studies on high priority global health issues
    • Clinical Epidemiology Units (CEU) and Clinical Epidemiology Research Training Centre (CERTC’s) located in 89 academic institutions in 34 countries are core functional units of INCLEN

INCLEN Executive Office (IEO), New Delhi

  • Presently IEO is located in New Delhi and collaborates with over 218 institutes in India that include medical schools, research institutes and non-governmental organizations
  • IEO maintains a strong and strategic relationship with various central and state government departments like Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) and several  professional bodies
  • INCLEN is recognized as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and has acquired tax exemptions and FCRA approvals to receive foreign funds
  • In 2009, IEO has established a Demographic, Development and Environmental Surveillance Site (DDESS) – SOMAARTH, in Palwal district, Haryana (60 KMs away from New Delhi)
  • SOMAARTH covers 51 contiguous rural villages encompassing over 200,000 population. We have an MOU with Government of Haryana to work in Palwal district

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