• F-1/5, 2nd Floor, Okhla Industrial Area Phase - 1, New Delhi
  • +91 11 47730000 - 99
  • ieodelhi@inclentrust.org


Peter Tugwell

Secretary General, CanUSACLEN

Centre for Global Health Institute of
Population Health, University of Ottawa,
1 Stewart Street, Ottawa, Ontario
K1H 8L6, Canada
Tel: 1-613 -562-5800 ext. 1945
E-mail: tugwell.bb@uottawa.ca,
Website: www.canusaclen.uottawa.ca/en

CanUSACLEN logo1

CanUSACLEN is a regional network of institutions and individuals in Canada and the United States, dedicated to contributing to the goals of the International Clinical Epidemiology Network (INCLEN) Trust International, to improve the health and development of populations of developing countries around the globe. CanUSACLEN is a Founding Member and one of seven regional networks of the INCLEN Trust International, and represents Canada and the United States on the INCLEN Board of Trustees. CanUSACLEN is a not-for-profit organization.

Historically, several CanUSACLEN institutions were training centers for INCLEN, providing clinical epidemiology training for junior faculty from clinical and research departments of major medical schools in developing countries and carrying on collaborative research. With the evolution of INCLEN to a regional structure, CanUSACLEN continues to collaborate with the other regional networks around the world as well as work on research projects about the health and health care of disadvantaged populations in our own region.

 CanUSACLEN :- CEUs and CERTCs :

  • Director & Member List

Sr. No. CLEN Designation Name Email
Harvard Medical School and harvard school of public health – CERTC
1 Director Robert H. Fletcher Robert_Fletcher@hms.harvard.edu
The State University of New Jersey – CEU
2 Director Brian Strom bstrom@cceb.med.upenn.edu
The University of Texas – CERTC
3 Director Mohammad Hossein Rahbar Mohammad.H.Rahbar@uth.tmc.edu
University of Toronto – CERTC
4 Director Rick Glazier richard.glazier@utoronto.ca
5 Co-Director Geoff Anderson geoff.anderson@utoronto.ca
6 Member Linda Chung clinepi.cehcr@utoronto.ca
7 Member Dr. Ahmed Bayoumi ahmed.bayoumi@utoronto.ca
University of West Indies, Jamaica – CEU
8 Director Rainford Wilks rainfordw@cwjamaica.com
Mc Master University – CERTC
9 Director Kathryn Bennett Kbennett@mcmaster.ca
University of Ottawa – CERTC
10 Director Peter Tugwell tugwell.bb@uottawa.ca

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