Responsibilities of CEUs or CERTCs
Overarching goal of a CEU or a CERTC is to improve the quality of research and training in their regions through:
- Promoting, conducting and participating in research in the broad areas where network functions
- Promotion and support of education and trainings in Evidence based practices, Clinical Epidemiology, Health Social Science, Health Economics, Bio statistics and any other relevant areas
- CERTCs have to conduct post graduate degree or diploma programs and/or certificate courses tailored to the needs of the country or the region
- This include a) face–to–face traditional on-site programs, b) Distance learning and E-learning programs and c) Learning-by-doing and any other mode that may be deemed appropriate
- CERTCs should acquire relevant accreditations from local host Universities for conducting programs
- In addition, CEU or CERTC shall foster co-operation and partnerships among professionals and health providers in the institutions, policy makers and organizations in the region
- Mobilize resources for carrying out and supporting young researchers. Both CEUs and/or CERTCs should be using the funds generated solely for non-profit and/or scientific purposes
- It shall also undertake any other activities lawfully approved by the General Assembly of the network
Governance Structure
A CEU or a CERTC is supposed to be one of the major training or participating center in the region they represent. A CERTC is usually affiliated with a CEU and managed according to the laws governing the regional CLEN however broad principles of INCLEN network are applicable. Each CEU or a CERTC will have a Director who shall be reporting to the President of that CLEN. Consultations shall be made with members in all matters including project or curriculum development, resource generation and grant management. The director shall be named in the manner consistent with the regional CLEN bylaws and selection of Director should not be based on seniority alone.
There may or may not be standing committees depending upon the bylaws of the regions and the institution to which it is affiliated to. Separate committees, like academic committee or research committee, shall be formed to further the objectives of the network. All such committees has to follow the rules and regulations of that regional CLEN. Committees should place efforts to strengthen financial situation as well as human resource capacities of the region.
Any CEU or CERTC shall remain affiliated with the same CLEN for as long as it can be sustained or is desirable in the region. For that reason, these structures will not rotate from institutes or from country to country within a region. Each new request for CEU is made to the President of regional CLEN and is endorsed by Executive Office.
Interested institutes may apply for membership either to regional CLEN secretariat or to Executive Office. The criteria for application is as following:
INCLEN Criteria for CEUs / CERTCs:
- Core faculty of the prospective CEU or CERTC must consist of at-least two epidemiologists – one of whom must have attained one of the following training:
- – M.D. and M.Sc in Clinical Epidemiology or Epidemiology or
- – M.D. and M.P.H. in the Field Epidemiology or Public Health or Community Medicine
- Other Epidemiologists may or may not have a Medical degree but should have a Ph.D or M.Sc in Epidemiology
- Should have at least one Bio-statistician in the team
- In addition it is desirable to inclue faculty members from health/clinical economics, health social sciences and public health/field epidemiology
- Dedicated physical space for an office and adequate communication facilities for the CEU
- CERTC must conduct at-least a minimum of one University recognized Master level program
- All training programs must have accreditation from a School of Medicine or School of Public Health or a University
The prospective applicant should submit:
- A Letter of Intent (LOI) signed by the Dean of the institute and addressed to the Director of respective regional CLEN or to Executive Director, The INCLEN Trust International
- Should submit current Curricula Vitae (CV) and list of publications of proposed core faculty members
- Statement of Institutional support from the head of the host institute
- Description of institutional programs including training, research and other activities
- Cheque/draft made out to the regional CLEN for the amount of USD 200 (for applicants from developed countries) and USD 100 (for applicants from developing countries)
All application should be addressed to INCLEN Membership Program and preferably routed through the regional CLEN office. Regional CLEN office will make their assessment and recommendations before forwarding it to IEO. In the event that the application is not accepted, dues will be refunded.